
Phase 3: Usability Evaluation

Jozzel Esqueda

Prototype Link: https://xd.adobe.com/view/ff99c1af-2d67-4a75-4ae4-985a8feada83-89a8/

Protocol Link

Phase III: User Testing Evaluation

Task Analysis

In this task we hope to discover two things:

1) How quickly someone can find a tutor for a specific class and 2) How easy or difficult the app is to manage under a time constraint.

In this task we hope to disover if the app is too complicated for someone who wants to be a tutor after signing up for finding a tutor.

User Testing Methods

This usability test was a mix of both summative and formative testing while incorporating “think-aloud” and experimental techniques during the usability test.

1) Before the user test, it was very clear that the user had minor trouble in signing up to become a tutor for Task 2 due to the home screen and button layout.

Tutor Profile

2) After the usability test, the process of becoming a tutor was facilitated by adding one button to the home screen.

Tutor Profile